from Guy Debord

To Piero Simondo
Wednesday, 3 April [1957]
Dear Piero:

Here is the official document [see below], and a note from Asger [Jorn].[1]

I have emphasized the problem of our collective publications. The first thing that Asger will be able to do (through Taptoe[2]) is the publication of two monographs devoted to [Giuseppe] Gallizio and you.[3]

For this, you must each send 15 photographs of your best canvases.

Obviously, I think that what we must produce is a journal. But, lacking one, could these monographs perhaps have a positive value? Tell me what you in Alba think.

I am expecting Ralph [Rumney] in eight days; I will propose anew the “Rivista” question.

In this same envelop, I am sending you a collection of Les Levres nues. You must at first read the articles by [Gil J] Wolman, Michele [Bernstein] and me. Then the two or three long theoretical articles by [Marcel] Marien (but the article by the ex-lettrist [Jacques] Fillon in issue #7 is a stupidity, clearly anti-psychogeographical).

In several days I will send you the declaration of which I’ve spoken,[4] to be signed by [the group in] Alba.

Best wishes to you all,

On 2 April 1957, Debord, Jorn and Michele Bernstein concluded the Brussels affair by agreeing on the following points.

1) Any personal action, in the movement, must be submitted to a preliminary collective agreement.

2) Any possible disagreement must be settled by an open discussion in the framework of the movement. Any obstacle brought to the discussions among us is a priori erroneous.

3) The undersigned recognize the importance of our collective action, desire that the agreement already established between the current groups lasts and desire the future extension of such an agreement on these bases, in the perspective of a vaster effectiveness.

4) All preceding disagreements, all preceding maneuvers, must be considered as subjects of resolved experiments. All the reproaches advanced concerning them are annulled.[5]

Ager Jorn, G.-E. Debord, M. Bernstein

[1] Translator: not included by the publishers of this volume.

[2] Translator: the Taptoe Gallery in Brussels.

[3] Translator: Michele Bernstein’s “In Praise of Pinot Gallizio” would in fact be published, while the monograph on Piero Simondo would not.

[4] Translator: “A Step Back” (Potlatch #28, 22 May 1957).

[5] Translator: And yet, in a letter to Simondo dated 21 April 1957, Debord would state that “[the Brussels affair] left traces that we must surpass. It would be bad if one thought that you were indifferent to the settlement of this affair or if, on the contrary, you were still annoyed.”

(Published in Guy Debord Correspondance, Vol "0": Septembre 1951 - Juillet 1957: Complete des "lettres retrouvees" et d l'index general des noms cites by Librairie Artheme Fayard, October 2010. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! March 2011.)

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