from Guy Debord

To Christian Sébastiani[1]
Copies to Robert and Serge[2]
Brussels, 4 June 1968
Dear Christian:

Communicate to all the members of the ex-C.M.D.O. that those among them who currently raise money (or a fortiori who try without success) or who, as a group, devote themselves to any other form of action, must obviously not in any case do so in the name of the SI or even mentioning the SI. If such a miserable extravagance has been committed, the people involved will, naturally, be treated accordingly.

Although, since the dissolution of the C.M.D.O., we have stopped making known our opinions on the actions that the comrades united at this moment might themselves take, we would like to draw their attention to the following points, due to the reciprocal esteem that has been established between us, and on the other hand, due to the possibility that some may subsequently find themselves in collective activity organized with us.

1 – Take good stock of the fact that the value of the C.M.D.O. derived from its character as an immediate (quite adequate) revolutionary response to a precise revolutionary moment, and thus it must stop there – if it doesn’t, the survivors will become a groupuscule, more disarmed than the others for doing so.

2 – It is now a question, in a period of reflux in France, of thinking [through] all that has happened and the possible future, and discussing [things] among ourselves so as to come to a greater coherence between the people who are known [to each other] at the moment.

3 – Do not make yourselves ridiculous.

For the SI (and the ex-Enragés)[3]
Guy [Debord], Mustapha [Khayati], Patrick [Cheval], Raoul [Vaneigem], René [Riesel], René-Donatien [Viénet]

[1] Translator: formerly of the anarchist group, Sisyphus, and a future Situationist.

[2] Members of the C.M.D.O. (Council for the Maintenance of the Occupations). [Neither became members of the SI].

[3] Patrick Cheval and René Riesel.

(Published in Guy Debord Correspondance, Vol "0": Septembre 1951 - Juillet 1957: Complete des "lettres retrouvees" et d l'index general des noms cites by Librairie Artheme Fayard, October 2010. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! April 2011. Footnotes by the publisher, except where noted.)

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