
Since 1975, the preceding print-runs of this facsimile edition of all of the issues of the journal Internationale Situationniste -- like the prior edition by Van Gennep in Holland (Amsterdam, 1970) -- have kept without any commentary the typographical mistakes, moreover quite rare, that appeared in each of the original issues: the offset[1] procedure actually presents the advantage of not allowing any corrections to be made in historical documents.

It appears useful to indicate here, for the current printing (1985), the four instances in which the meaning was lost or seriously falsified by errors that were subsequently retained.

In I.S. #6, page 10, under the photograph: instead of repeating the last line, one should have printed ". . . to make them constitute above all a material milieu of high standing." (This mistakes was mentioned in I.S. #7, p. 50)

In I.S. #10, page 75, first column, first paragraph: instead of "Since Stalinaud, whom faithful Henri Lelievre would hopelessly love for thirty years (or would prefer him to Garaudisque) . . .," one should have printed the parenthesis this way: "(one would prefer Garaudisque to him)."

In I.S. #12, page 3, first column, first paragraph: instead of ". . . Arnold Ruge wrote to Marx in March 1844 and, four years later, the revolution was there," one should have printed ". . . in March 1843 and, four years later, the revolution was there."

Finally, also in #12, page 14, second column, last lines: instead of ". . . the regime reestablished in June never believed it could pursue, so as to attain the same internal security of the State," one should have printed ". . . the regime reestablished in June had never believed it could pursue, so as to attain the internal security of the State."

[1] Translator's note: English in original.

(Published in Guy Debord Correspondance, Vol 6: Janvier 1979-Decembre 1987 by Librairie Artheme Fayard, 2006. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! May 2007.)

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