
1. A few of the cameras that we have identified as New York Police Department (NYPD) cameras on our first few maps of surveillance camera locations are in fact "flow monitoring" cameras operated by the New York State Department of Transportation. Nevertheless, given the strategic positioning and continuous operation of these cameras, and the general importance of transportation in "homeland security," it is likely that the NYPD either receives feeds from these cameras and/or are alerted if they spot/record something "unusual." (25 November 2002)

2. None of the microwave-antenna installations we have marked as "MRT" (microwave relay transmitters) on our maps of surveillance camera locations are part of the NYPD's wireless video network. (It is possible the NYPD's antennae are too high up to be seen: in 1999, Jim Krane reported that "FCC records show that the NYPD uses antennas that bristle from the heights of Manhattan's tallest buildings, including the World Trade Center and the Empire State Building.") What our maps show are, instead, cell-phone transmitters. (25 November 2002/3 September 2003)

3. On 1 September 2002, we announced that NBC's wireless TV camera in Times Square -- also known as the Microwave Monster -- had been taken down. But it was only temporarily removed so as to make way for a huge party thrown by the National Football League. Unfortunately, when the party was over, the camera was put back in place. (25 November 2002)

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